The SWF maintains a list of qualified coaches (both AC and GC) in the region. Coaches may be prepared to undertake coaching away from their home clubs. Click for the list on Coaches in the South West region. If your club has coaching needs that cannot be met from your own members, please contact the SWF Coaching Officer, who will be able to help.
If you are newly qualified, have upgraded your qualifications, or have moved to (or from) the area, please contact the Coaching Officer. The Coaching Officer maintains a list of active SW coaches, and normally contacts them twice a year to find graded coaches who are willing to help outside their own club and to find out what coaching has taken place at the end of the playing season.
Please contact the coaching officer or consult the CA website.
Starting to play
Most clubs have taster sessions or open days at the start of the season, followed by a beginners course. Click for a list of clubs in the South West Region.
Improving your play
Many clubs run coaching courses for their members, and most coaches will also undertake individual tuition on particular topics.
The Budleigh Croquet College runs a series of AC, GC and SC courses at all levels.
Courses are also run at other venues. Your play will also improve if you take part in inter-club matches or enter a tournament either locally or in another part of the country.
Merit Awards for players
The CA operates merit award schemes for AC and GC.
The Merit Award Scheme aims to encourage enterprising play and to develop skills. Awards for achievement in Association Croquet have been established for many years, and the scheme has now been extended to Golf Croquet.
Since the two schemes are independent of each other, players are eligible to apply for both AC and GC Merit Awards.
Any game for which an AC Merit Award is claimed must form part of a CA Fixtures Calendar event (including representative matches and team events).
Any event for which a GC Merit Award is claimed must be one of the CA Fixtures Calendar events specified in the Table of Qualifying Events and you must win the event.
For further information please go to Merit Awards.
SWF Coach Summary 2022
The following document shows a summary of all coaches within the South West Federation of Croquet, updated as of 2022.